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 May be gone for a bit (again)

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Posts : 111
Join date : 2010-08-05

May be gone for a bit (again) Empty
PostSubject: May be gone for a bit (again)   May be gone for a bit (again) EmptyTue Aug 31, 2010 1:23 pm

I finally get out of the hospital and learn that a hurricane might hit us. If Earl makes landfall it will be a category 3, and the last time one of those hit us here we were without power for a week. If I suddenly don't get on for awhile, more than likely power's gone.

Also BJ "The Prodigy" Penn more like BJ "I suck massive dick against wrestlers" Penn.

Edit: Wow. Every single media outlet describes this hurricane as North Carolina's Katrina and we get 16 mile an hour wind gusts and not even a quarter of an inch of rain.

Last edited by Jupiter on Fri Sep 03, 2010 7:50 am; edited 1 time in total
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Join date : 2009-01-23
Age : 32
Location : In a bedroom far, far away...

May be gone for a bit (again) Empty
PostSubject: Re: May be gone for a bit (again)   May be gone for a bit (again) EmptyTue Aug 31, 2010 2:55 pm

Well don't worry, won't be alot of updates for a while anyway, have to book in on some schooling or my parents threatened to quit paying my court fines, so i won't be working on this for a while, add to that I have a new girlfriend and many other things but I will get back to this.
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Posts : 111
Join date : 2010-08-05

May be gone for a bit (again) Empty
PostSubject: Re: May be gone for a bit (again)   May be gone for a bit (again) EmptyWed Sep 01, 2010 1:08 pm

5-step guide to succeeding in life.

1. Court fines generally mean a policeman was involved. File a lawsuit saying he violently molested you while he handcuffed you.

2. Get a loan from the bank and hire some sick lawyer (or me which I'll do for free!) to represent you so you can easily win, the policeman will have to get a public attorney or something.

3. Win a lot of money, pay off the lawyer/court fees give a big FUCK EDUCATION to your parents and now your girlfriend will love you even more since you have money.

4. ???????

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PostSubject: Re: May be gone for a bit (again)   May be gone for a bit (again) Empty

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